I've had only one Clay Dream, which was a long time ago....but last night I had another one. In this dream he was so sweet, even though I was a complete idiot! I had to hurry up and tell ya'll while it was fresh in my mind.
In my dream, my mother and I, (woman has been dead for like eleven years now), went to NY to see Clay in Spamalot. After the show, I wanted to hurry up and get to the stage door to get Clay's autograph, but my mom couldn't move that fast...so we sort of lagged behind in the theater. I'm waiting for her to catch her breath so we can leave, (she had asthma and did everything slow), and I look up and there is Clay walking back into the theater with Jerome. Clay and Jerome walk over to see if everything is alright.
I couldn't resist and I tell Clay how much we enjoyed the show. He leans over and gives me a BIG hug. He looks like he has something on his mind, a little sad. I asked him, "Clay, is everything alright? You look upset."
He says, "I just found out that a little boy died during the show."
I felt so bad for him, so I said, "Oh Clay, I'm so sorry. Is the little boy alright?"
Clay looks up at me completely confused, takes my hand and says, "Darling, the little boy died."
I'm extremely embarrassed, and feeling really stupid. My face turns beet red. I thinking to myself....YOU IDIOT, WHAT A DUMB THING TO SAY. Of course we all know that meeting Clay, can cause temporary brain damage, so I look at Clay and say, "I'm so sorry, I guess I had a moment."
Clay takes my hand and smiles at me. Then he gives me another BIG hug and whispers in my ear, "That's alright darling, I have those moment too." Then he takes my Playbill and my mother's Playbill and signs them. Give us a wink and leaves. I totally melt in my seat and it takes us another thirty minutes to leave. LOL
Now let me explain what a moment is. My daughter Sara, my middle child, sometimes or should I say most of the time, will say something before thinking. Either the statement makes no sense or she says the words wrong. We call it a "Sara Moment". So whenever any of us do that, someone shouts out, "Sara Moment."
Strange dream...but wasn't he sweet about my stupidity?